EXOE Reunion

Reunited and it feels so good...
Evan, Ryan, and Marcello.
Breakfast foods, music, Youstangs Beebers,EXOE recording sessions, Pizza, Boards of Canada and Avion.
The amount of talent these dudes have is sickening... Evan just finished his new album under the moniker Metameta called "Pink Moment". Ryan just finished a tour playing guitar for an up and coming artist named Vita Chambers who opened up for Justin Bieber all summer along.
Friday and Saturday i was there to see them record a new song for the newExes of Evil album.
it was great to be with my Jotes...
New York Long Island
New York Long Island
New York Long Island
New York Long Island
New York Long Island
New York Long Island
New York Long Island
posted by m

New York Day 3&4&5&6

I'll be honest... the only reason why i know it's Monday is because my friend, who i'm staying with in DC, has to work. The days blend together, thoughts wander, and the perpetual tired eyes probably give off the vibe that i'm high on drugs. (trust me, i'm not.)
Here is what i remember doing...

Day 4 and 5


Day 4 and 5

People posing with "Starry Night" by Van Gogh. i was interested more in people's obsession with the painting then the painting itself.

Day 4 and 5

Blue Label at Sullivan Hall

Day 4 and 5
Day 4 and 5
Day 4 and 5
Day 4 and 5

Francesco and I went on a bike ride through Prospect park to the ikea in Red Hook.

This was my trip back from Long Island > New York City > Washington DC.
The subway from Atlantic Terminal to Brooklyn was empty.

New York / DC
New York / DC
New York / DC

Streets were empty too...

New York / DC
New York / DC

DC skies were very welcoming

New York / DC
New York / DC


New York / DC

posted by m


New York Day 2

New York Day 2.
New York Day 2
New York Day 2
New York Day 2
New York Day 2
New York Day 2
New York Day 2
New York Day 2
New York Day 2
New York Day 2
New York Day 2
New York Day 2
New York Day 2
New York Day 2

posted by m

New York Day 1... Again.

If you know me, you know that i love visiting New York City. New York City, in particular Brooklyn, has been like a second home to me this past year and knowing great people that live here makes the it harder to leave...
Photographing New York never gets old, there's so much to see and so many things that constantly change that it gives me endless things to shoot. In the past i've given people a macro view of New York, but i neglect to show the small details that make New York one of the greatest cities in this world... hope you like this batch... more to come.


20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City
20100906 New York City

posted by m