Today I make my directorial debut. My friends in Eyes Lips Eyes have trusted me with the responsibility of making a music video for their song Bear Trap that was released last tuesday. The offer came while we were on tour and Tony Hello was stoked on me doing a stop action video for them. I'm pretty excited and also nervous to take on this task head on (cliche' alert).

So while i get this work underway, here's some stop action i've done that you can chew on until i release the Bear Trap video later this month.

p.s. i still have to show you part 3 of Cell Out. so look out for that in the comings days.

posted by m
(Click the "Older Posts" link at the bottom right if you want to see older photo posts.)


Michelle Loves Danger says:
at: December 8, 2010 at 11:45 AM said...

my favorite is the Amy one.... mainly because she's in it :/

Catherine says:
at: December 8, 2010 at 9:05 PM said...

i love all of these! love love love